Emma swims

The magic of water and words

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Porphyria’s lover

The chill set early in this morn/ And did its worst to vex/ The lake:  A shiver/ I glided in: head down/ Three times her little lap around Temperature 20C Time in the water 1.09 hrs Distance 2.87 km

The weed man cometh

In his little orange boat, he wrestles/ James Bond of the weeds/ Dredged: Dumped/ We swim with the fishes, joyous/ Knowing we are getting our lake back Temperature 20C Time in the water 37:28 mins Distance 1.29 km

The invasion of Dedham Vale

The mill on the banks of the river Stour/ As immortalised by Constable/ Invaded now: Hurrah! Inflatables and smiles/ After a jolly swim we are hungry for cake Temperature 19C Time in the water 1:24 hrs Distance 3.2 km

Choppy Leigh-on-sea

Here, it is the tides that rule/ Dictating when I write/ I dip: Then watch/ The land sucked dry/ The vast expanse of beach Temperature 19C Time in the water 30:22 mins Distance 1.05 km

Tooting Bec

Vast, this underwater kingdom/ If you dive down and/ Look up: Limbs/ Kicking in a huge/ Rectangular turquoise bath Temperature 20C Time in the water 1:03 hrs Distance 2.19 km


Glorious in the sunshine/ This tree-lined lake/ Is shallow: Its waters/ Run hot and cold/ A current running through you Temperature 21C Time in the water 1:01 hours Distance 1.96 km


Old friend river, you’ve changed/ I find your water/ Cooled: Alone/ I swim past the pump house/ Wondering where all the boats have gone Temperature 16C Time in the water 39:31 mins Distance 1.44 km

Her Majesty’s lake

The Queen’s ‘walled oasis in the middle of London’, Has a lake as its ‘central feature’: Pretty: But/ Silty and shallow/ It is not for swimming.

Because I had to

Late as I am, she compels me/ Nevemind the rain./ I give: Myself/ To her. Submission/ A salty kiss is my reward Temperature 20C Time in the water 6:03 mins Distance 201 m

Loch of the Lowes

In the sunshine we enter/ This Scottish loch/ Majestic: Today/ She is gentle/ Her surface silky, we cross with ease Temperature 21C Time in the water 1hr32mins Distance 3.5 km


Striped canvas wrapped around poles. Windbreaks/Belong to my childhood/Not hers: I swim/She plays in the sand/Beneath me, crabs scuttle sideways. Temperature 18C Time in the water 23.40 mins + 5.52 mins Distance 718m + 209m


Recently I’ve been wandering, exploring waters new/ But today I came home to Redricks/ Faithful: I to her/ And she to me. Her embrace/ Is joyous. Less weedy than I expected/ Temperature 23 C Time in the water 52:43 mins Distance 1,962 m

Leigh on sea

Salt stings my skin in places/ I have scratched/ and broken: Wounds/ Kissed by the sea/ Tingle and are healed Temperature 21 C Time in the water 30:37 mins Distance 1,374 m

Sunset at the river

To the river on a hot summer’s evening/ We go to play/ Delight: We shiver/ In the cool waters/ And splash, and swoosh and laugh Temperature 19C Time in the water 28.09 mins Distance 737m


Stretching around the corner, out of sight/ This friendly, tree-lined lake/ Lifts me: Joyous/ An invitation/ To jump from the pontoon Temperature 26 Time in the water 57.04 Distance 2.17


The lake opens, inviting/ I sink in and am/ Lifted: Two loops/ Heap up then down/ And afterwards, a lovely cup of tea Temperature 21 C Time in the water 1.07 hrs Distance 2.41


Duck shit lines this little lake/ Not a good sign./ Itchy: And yet/ Knowing we’ll be bitten/ We step over it and swim/ Temperature 22 C Time in the water 44.14 Distance 1.52 km

Royal Docks

Idle cranes line the docksides/ The water now is/ Clean: A taste of salt/ Skies laden grey/ Unusually, an uninspiring swim Temperature 20 C Time in the water 36.37 Distance 1.29 km

Skinny at the river

A run and jump/ Plop I enter/ Naked: Giggling/ Like schoolgirls/ There is no full moon Temperature 17 Time in the water 17.57 Distance 626

Tethered swim

It dominates our garden, this little round pool/ Unheated, she is not/ For everyone: And yet/ She got us through lockdown/ And for this we will always love her. Temperature 21 Time in the water 31.04 Distance 1.1km

Chalkwell Beach

Feet curl on broken shells/ The water lifts you/ Buoyant: Breath held/ An opening of spine/ The rush of joyousness Temperature 21 C Time in the water: 57:59 minutes Distance 2,026 m


Swimming against the current/ In a straight line made/ For rowers: I dawdle/ Anticipating sunrise/ As others pass me by Temperature 17 C Time in the water 1.20 hrs Distance 2.1k

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